Home » 50th International Forum For Business Economics Advancement & Strategic Management (BEASM)

50th International Forum For Business Economics Advancement & Strategic Management (BEASM)

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News http://www.theopportunity.kesmonds-edu.ac/

5th to 6th March 2022


Contact person: Arzoo khan

our meetings or conferences have been an intellectual hub for academic discussions and participants who have found an excellent opportunity for presenting new research, exchanging information and discussing current issues.

Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 24th February 2022

Check the event website for more details.

Call for Papers!

It is our great pleasure to invite you to the Academic Nusa International (Association of Social Sciences and Humanities). The theme of the conference is emerging social changes that result from new social dynamics. We invite academicians and scholars from all the relevant disciplines to submit their papers and ongoing research findings to this stimulating and exciting conference.

Aim of our peer-reviewed conference is to bring together the world’s leading scholars and opinion leaders and to increase our understanding of emerging scientific issues and research methodologies relating to business management, economic and social sciences. Please, engage freely in discussions, share your ideas and build relationships among the group of international researchers.

ANISSH believes that this academic event will surely promote better research in applied academics and facilitate networking opportunities for international scholars. The submissions should be made directly to the conference respective email address.

Conference Tracks

Conference scope covers, but not limited to, the following topics:

Track 1: Social and Community Studies

Track 2: Arts

Track 3: Humanities

Track 4: Civic and Political Studies

Track 5: Cultural & Global Studies

Track 6: Environmental Studies

Track 7: Organizational Studies

Track 8: Educational and Communication Studies

Track 9: Economics, Finance & Accounting

Track 10: Business and Management Studies

Website: https://anissh.com/conferences/beasm-march-2022/