Home » Mastercard University Of California, Berkeley Masters Scholarships For African Students (USA) 2022

Mastercard University Of California, Berkeley Masters Scholarships For African Students (USA) 2022

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News Tv

Administered out of the Center for African Studies, the program at the University of California, Berkeley is supported by a broad cross-section of functional and disciplinary units on campus including the Division of Student Affairs, the Graduate Division, the Berkeley International Office, and the International House.

About MasterCard Foundation

The Mastercard Foundation seeks a world where everyone has the opportunity to learn and prosper. All people, no matter where their starting point in life, should have an equal chance to succeed. We believe that with access to education, financial services, and skills training, people can have that chance. Our focus is helping economically disadvantaged young people in Africa to find opportunities to move themselves, their families, and their communities out of poverty to a better life…. read more… read more

MasterCard University of California, Berkeley Masters Scholarships

Category: Masters

Organization: MasterCard Foundation

Country to study: United States

 School to study: University of California Berkeley

Course to study: not specified

Application Deadline September 22, 2022

Aim and Benefits of MasterCard University of California, Berkeley Masters Scholarships

*MBA students need to secure additional funding from Haas Business School through obtaining Haas scholarships, which requires meeting the Round One or Two application deadline. We encourage you to contact us if you are interested to learn more details about this unique process.

Requirements for MasterCard University of California, Berkeley Masters Scholarships Qualification

The five main eligibility criteria are:

Being a citizen of a Sub-Saharan African country – If you have refugee status, are stateless, or have other questions regarding your citizenship, you may still be eligible. Please contact us directly to clarify. This scholarship is not intended for citizens of North African countries.

Excelling academically – All prospective Scholars must first be admitted to UC Berkeley to be considered for the Scholarship. An important criteria for admission to the University is demonstrated academic excellence.

Coming from an economically disadvantaged background – We aim to admit those from the bottom two income quintiles per country. This Scholarship is designed for those extremely talented individuals who have no other means of acquiring the further education required to help realize their dreams and ambitions.

Having demonstrated the will to give back to your community, country, or continent – We are looking for well-rounded students who are engaged in activities beyond the classroom. Some may be directly related to your field of study, but this may also include other issues (social, economic, political) that you are working on and passionate about. Applicants should elaborate on their achievements both in their application to UC Berkeley, and then later on the Scholarship application.

Having expressed the desire and intention to return to your home country after completing your studies – We are looking for students who are engaged with and passionate about issues affecting their communities, and who will take advantage of their education at UC Berkeley to better equip themselves with the knowledge and training to address these issues upon return. While important work can be done from abroad, the intention of this Program is to enable Scholars to return home, after forming valuable professional connections through internship and job placements.

Application Deadline

September 22, 2022

website: https://www.scholarshipset.com/scholarships/mastercard-university-of-california-berkeley-masters-scholarships-for-african-students-usa-2022


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the Opportunity News Tv

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