The Top 50 finalists chosen from 12,000+ entries, selected by a prestigious pool of 233 judges; 16 countries from Africa represented in the Top 50;...
Author - the Opportunity News Tv
Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest rates of access to quality education in the world. A recent UNESCO report shows that well over half of teens aged...
A business which gives out virtual cash in exchange for rubbish, a start-up which converts faecal sludge into fuel briquettes, and an enterprise...
The Olympics is happening – and for that we can only be grateful. But these Games, the 32nd of the modern era, are likely to be odd ones in, for the...
The outbreak of protests in Cuba this week represents a shocking departure from the status quo, while also fitting into familiar narratives that have...
Thanks to the pandemic, there is heightened interest in new effective options for preventing and treating anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric...
Most people enter the teaching profession because they want to use their talents to make a difference to the children in their classrooms. However...
President Cyril Ramaphosa says that government will introduce a number of support measures to businesses in South Africa as they continue to be...
At first glance, the ability of most African states to prevent or respond to a cyberattack by state-backed hackers would appear limited. African...
Nikyra McCann was diagnosed with bipolar disorder at the age of 20 which often left her feeling in a very lonely place — she often felt like nobody...