Home » DAAD MIPLC Scholarships For Students From Developing Countries (Germany) 2023-2024

DAAD MIPLC Scholarships For Students From Developing Countries (Germany) 2023-2024

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News Tv

With its development-oriented postgraduate study programmes, the DAAD promotes the training of specialists from development and newly industrialised countries. Well-trained local experts, who are networked with international partners, play an important part in the sustainable development of their countries. They are the best guarantee for a better future with less poverty, more education and health for all. The scholarships offer foreign graduates from development and newly industrialised countries from all disciplines and with at least two years’ professional experience the chance to take a postgraduate or Master’s degree at a state or state-recognised German university, and in exceptional cases to take a doctoral degree, and to obtain a university qualification (Master’s/PhD) in Germany.

About German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

DAAD scholarship in Germany is a private, federally funded and state-funded, self governing national agency of the institutions of higher education in Germany, representing 365 German higher education institutions (100 universities and technical universities, 162 general universities of applied sciences, and 52 colleges of music and art) [2003]. The DAAD itself does not offer programs of study or courses, but awards competitive, merit-based grants for use toward study and/or research in Germany at any of the accredited German institutions of higher education. It also awards grants to German…… read more

DAAD MIPLC Scholarships

Category:  Postgraduate

Organization: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Country to study: Germany

School to study-Course to study: Not specified

Application Deadline October 15, 2022

Aim and Benefits of DAAD MIPLC Scholarships

The scholarship recipient(s) will get a full tuition waiver from the MIPLC.

The DAAD will pay the scholarship recipient(s) a monthly stipend of EUR 750.00.

As a rule, the scholarship additionally includes certain payments towards health, accident and liability insurance coverage in Germany.

In addition, the DAAD will generally pay an appropriate travel allowance, unless these costs are covered by the home country or by another funding source.

Furthermore, the DAAD will also pay a study and research allowance.

Last but not least, the scholarship covers a mandatory two-month German course before the start of the MIPLC LL.M. program.

The scholarship does not cover additional costs, e.g. enrollment fees or the fees for a semester ticket for public transport in Munich.

Requirements for DAAD MIPLC Scholarships Qualification

Candidates eligible for the DAAD scholarship for “Development-Related Postgraduate Courses” must:

hold at least a four-year Bachelor’s degree (or a three-year Bachelor’s degree plus a further degree), completed with above-average results.

have received their latest degree no more than six years ago.

have at least two years of full-time professional experience gained in a public authority or a state or private company in a developing country (university staff and academics are generally not taken into account). To meet this requirement, it is sufficient if candidate has completed the two years by the time the program starts in October. In any case, the experience must have been gained after the completion of your first university degree.

have English test scores which meet the MIPLC requirements

Application Deadline

October 15, 2022

website: https://www.scholarshipset.com/scholarships/daad-miplc-scholarships-for-students-from-developing-countries-germany-2023-2024

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the Opportunity News Tv

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