The BBC is launching a brand new technology newsletter for international audiences, called Tech Decoded.
Why now?
Tech news isn’t a speciality any more. It’s just the news. AI, social media drama, Elon Musk’s latest proclamations – it’s all mainstream. But it differs from other types of news in one key way.
A wiser colleague than I, who covered the technology beat for years, once told me that editors always want an “iPhone moment”, where someone walks out on a stage and reveals a brand new invention that will change our lives.
That can happen, but it’s not normally how the industry works.
Take the current AI boom as an example. The technology behind ChatGPT was being developed for years before the current craze – and that’s why GPT was already on version 3.5 by the time most people heard of it.
There’s a much deeper development cycle that goes on before major companies start tacking the latest buzzword on every product they make. That’s been true for all the tech hype cycles in recent years, whether it’s “the algorithm”, blockchain, web3, or whatever else.
The truth is that major technology shifts are usually gradual, made up of dozens of smaller stories over time. Staying on top of those trends is how you stay in the know.
And the BBC is uniquely positioned in that world. Yes, we’re tuned in to the latest happenings in Silicon Valley — but we’ve a network of experts around the world, in Singapore, Bangalore, and beyond, rivalled by very few other organisations on the planet.
Something we’re keen to do with Tech: Decoded is to bring in viewpoints from all kinds of places, from people who cover those beats.
With their help, we’ll decode the latest tech trends, looking for what it means and the agenda behind the story, or showcasing new perspectives and analysis from around the world.
Source: BBC NEWS
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