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United Nations Young Professionals Programme (Ypp) 2024 For Young Graduates

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News https://opportunitynews.tv/

The 2024 application phase of the United Nations Young Professionals Programme (YPP) is ongoing and applications invited from all interested candidates. Young graduates who are professionals in their various fields of endeavours are invited from selected countries each year to participate.

The UN Young Professionals Programme (YPP) is a recruitment initiative for talented, highly qualified professionals to start a career as an international civil servant with the UN Secretariat. It consists of an entrance examination process and professional development once those successful start their career with the UN.

Company/Organisation(s): United Nation

Program Type: Young Professionals Programme (YPP)

Program Location: Various

Program Duration: Not Specified

Available Slot: Not specified

Basic Qualifications: a first-level university degree or diploma

Nationality: Countries that are un- or under-represented in the United Nations

United Nation Young Professionals Programme 2024 | What to Expect

The YPP examination is held once a year in different subject areas, depending on the needs of the UN.

YPP is open to nationals of participating countries. The list of participating countries varies from year to year.

It consists of an entrance examination process and professional development once those successful start their career with the UN.

The application period typically opens in June each year.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for United Nation Young Professionals Programme (YPP), you are expected to meet the following conditions:

Nationality: Applicants must be a national of a participating country

Education: Applicants must hold at least a first-level university degree relevant for the exam(at least a relevant Bachelor’s degree or a 3-year equivalent degree)

Age: Applicants must be 32 years old or younger in the year of the examination

Language: Applicants must be fluent in either English or French

Application Procedures

How-to-Apply: Interested applicants seeking for United Nation Young Professionals Programme (YPP) are to follow these steps:

Those interested can apply via Inspira.

Confirm Your Eligibility

Carefully review basic application criteria on the YPP Home page.

Review The Job Opening

The job openings, specific to each exam area, will be found through Inspira or the UN Careers Portal.

Read carefully to determine if you meet the requirements.

If more than 40 applicants from the same country are eligible for an exam area, those applicants will be screened and ranked based on highest level of education completed, knowledge of official UN languages, and relevant work experience.

If the exam occurs in two stages, then 60 applicants per country/per exam area may be invited to the first exam stage, with a maximum of 40 per country/per exam area proceeding to the second stage.

Application Deadline: July 2023

Website: https://studygreen.info/united-nations-young-professionals-programme-ypp-2024/