Home » CALL FOR PAPERS The 3rd Virtual International Multidisciplinary Conference Hosted by the Lukenya University School of Education and Social Sciences Conference Dates: 15th-17th June 2022 THEME: Education for Sustainable Development in the Post-Covid-19 Period

CALL FOR PAPERS The 3rd Virtual International Multidisciplinary Conference Hosted by the Lukenya University School of Education and Social Sciences Conference Dates: 15th-17th June 2022 THEME: Education for Sustainable Development in the Post-Covid-19 Period

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News http://www.theopportunity.kesmonds-edu.ac/

Lukenya University welcomes you to the 3rd Virtual International Multidisciplinary Conference. The University is committed to advancing research, innovation, partnerships and linkages.  The conference aims at bringing together people from different fields including research, academia, government and other sectors to forge the way forward in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined under Agenda 2030 by the UN General Assembly 2015, and the National Development Agendas such as Kenya’s Vision 2030. We welcome diverse, dynamic groups and individuals to provide in-depth insights, and innovative, practical and actionable tools that can be employed, for more effective and efficient sustainable development efforts.

For the academia, there are certain milestones that you are expected to achieve, in order to expand your expertise. In this regard, presenting your paper and getting published in prestigious academic journals  is crucial. This 3rd Virtual International Multidisciplinary Conference is a great opportunity for you to do just that .

Submit your papers for evaluation by our scientific committee. The committee adheres to the strictest evaluation standards for quality, relevance and authenticity.



             Sustainable development through educational attainment

             Politico-Gender inclusivity and implications on country development

             Inculcation of religious tolerance for socio economic development in Kenya.

             Democratization: Education for curbing violence in general elections

             Research and innovation-A roadmap to the attainment of academic excellence in institutions of higher learning in Africa.

             Health-preparedness and resilience for now and the future

             The future of Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) in the Kenyan Education system  Transforming education through science & technology

             Quality assurance for effective institutions of higher learning.


             Role of Education in strengthening resilient agricultural production systems post-Covid.

             Opportunities for agricultural biodiversification post-Covid 19.

             Food Security, in the post-Covid era.

             Role of the blue economy post-Covid era.

             Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the post-covid era.


             Emerging banking, accounting and business environments

             Knowledge Management, data mining and Information Security

             Finance and Ethical Investing

             Quality Assurance and Management

             Marketing and digital branding in Education

Important deadlines

Deadline                             Activity

16th May, 2022                Submission of abstracts

23rd May, 2022                Notification for the acceptance of abstract

6th May 2022                    Early registration deadline

8th June 2022                   Late registration deadline

15th – 17th June,              2022 Conference dates

15th July 2022                   Submission of full papers

31st July 2022                   Notification for the acceptance of the full papers

Instructions for Submission of Abstracts

  1. Deadline for abstract submission is 16th May 2022. Abstracts should be between 250 and 300 words, Times New Roman, 12 point in single spacing. They should include the title, subtheme, author(s) full name(s), institutional affiliation and emails. Email for the corresponding author should be specified.
  2. The abstract should be factual and concise. It should state briefly the purpose of the research, methodology, the principal results, major conclusions and recommendations. Include at most 5 key words at the bottom.
  3. The full papers should have 5000 words, single line spacing, Times New Roman, double column, MS Word and PDF, APA referencing style. Deadline for full paper submission is 15th July 2022.
  4. Accepted papers will be published in the internationally renown Lukenya University Multidisciplinary Journal (LUMJ), ISSN 2663-3183.
  5. Send the MS word version of your abstract and full paper to manuscripts@lukenyauniversity.ac.ke

Registration for the conference: The conference costs are highly subsidized. They are as follows:

  1. a) Early bird registration cost (Before 6th May 2022)

East African participants Ksh. 4500; Non- East African participants $70; Lukenya University Staff Ksh 2500; Lukenya University Students: Ksh 1500; Lukenya University partners sh4000.

  1. b) Late registration cost ( After 6th May 2022 to 8th June 2022)

East African participants Ksh. 5000; Non- East African participants $75; Lukenya University Staff Ksh 3000; Lukenya University Students: Ksh 2000; Lukenya University partners sh4500.

For enquiries email to manuscripts@lukenyauniversity.ac.ke or call +254722383175

Mode of payment

  1. Mpesa details:- Lipa na Mpesa

Business number: 4085533

Account number: 039000007122

Note: For mpesa transactions, kindly send the mpesa confirmation notification that you receive via sms to +254712039907 and +254722383175

  1. Bank Details:-

Bank name: Family Bank Ltd

Account name: Lukenya University Research Account

Account number: 039000007122

Branch: Gateway Mall Branch

Swift code: FABLKENA

Note: For bank deposits, please scan and email the deposit slip to jackline.mumbi@lukenyauniversity.ac.ke and copy to jwafula@lukenyauniversity.ac.ke. Personal cheques will not be accepted.