Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
Country: Somalia
Closing date: December 12, 2023
Scope of Training
The consultant shall conduct training on VSLA concept, principles, procedures and recording of transaction, data and provide in-depth business skills. The consultant shall develop and share a training curriculum, training need assessment tool, business plan tool, business records template and comprehensive training report at the end of contract. Key tasks with list of ‘key activities’, under each responsibility.
The VSLA training will have to be adapted to the Somalia context. A focus on managerial and leaderships of the groups will also be included in the training, with the preparation and practical guide (step by step) on the use of record keeping. (Register, savings, Loan, Passbook, Fine, etc).
An introduction to Business Skill and business development will be done through support to the trainees to contextualize and develop simple tools for conducting small businesses; group/PoC training needs assessment, drafting business plans and recording business transactions.
Preferably the consultant should use interactive adult learning methodologies with relevant examples to the Somalia operating context. The training to include practical session on recording with a community group, Practical field days to VSLA Groups and report field findings.
The consultant’s tasks include, but not limited to, the following activities:
To conduct a survey before and after the training and submit the analyzed data to CEFA, in order to inquire the percentage of women who perceive an increased access to resources and financial independence, as well as effectiveness of the training itself.
To conduct a 3-days training for 8 VSLA groups selected by CEFA; 120 members (+1 CEFA staff) will receive the training on VSLA using field training methodology to these selected community groups.
To supervise for one month after the initial training the implementation of the VSLA training and restitution training.
To provide CEFA with the necessary materials or manual as point of reference for the trainings and for reproduction and distribution to participants.
To produce a training report.
Expected Deliverables and Timeline of the Consultancy
Training Plan: Submit a training plan/proposal in coordination with CEFA team;
Pre- and post-training surveys data and report with data analysis;
Training Reports: 1) Submit a comprehensive training report and .ppt for each session, within a period of 5 days after training, to be reviewed and approved by the contracting agency. 2) Submit the training report and ppt. presentation for the monitoring of VSLA training done to CEFA team.
Management and Implementation Responsibilities
The consultant will report directly to CEFA Field Coordinator and CEFA Project manager.
Training is all inclusive. The consultant will be responsible for the organization of (and included in the budgeting):
Guidance and technical support as required throughout the training;
All training materials/stationary; projector; VSLAs kit for training etc.
Refreshment, transport refund for participants;
Ensure all participants are present;
Venue will not need to be catered for, since it will be where participants reside;
Facilitator transport from office to training venue;
Developing the training plan;
Developing the training materials and tools;
Conducting the training in a participatory and practical way;
Sharing training report and training materials for reproduction;
Facilitator transport to Jowhar and any living/accommodation expenses incurred.
Qualifications of Consultant. Essential
The consultant must have a minimum of bachelor degree in community development, development studies, business administration, or equivalent from a reputable institution- (Must provide Academic certificate);
Profile of the individual consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of at least 3 years’ experience in undertaking similar assignment
Fluency in spoken and written English and Somali.
Excellent community facilitation and communication skills.
Excellent reporting and presentation skills.
Good knowledge and understanding of gender equality issues, particularly in the context agricultural value chain.
Preferred experience on Horticultural projects and credits and women groups.
A degree in Agriculture, Economics, or related field.
Submission of Proposals
Interested individual consultants or firms are requested to submit:
A summarized technical proposal of max. 4 pages, with a chronogram of the trainings, mentioning specifically the organization for:
3-days training to 120 VSLA members;
Field follow-up.
Please note that the field follow-up will be implemented within one month from the start of the first training.
Duration of the consultancy: 1 month in total.
A financial proposal of 1 page, including and explicating costs sub-divided per:
3-days training to 120 VSLA members;
Field follow-up.
Each of the above phases will need to include sub-costs for the logistic, as mentioned in Chapter 5. CEFA reserves the right to negotiate/remove the training logistic costs if costs are deemed excessive.
Copy of the Curriculum Vitae of the trainer.
Contact details for two references (including one from your last client/employer).
Job City: Jowhar
European Committee for Agricultural Training Somalia
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