Meta-owned social messaging app, WhatsApp, is currently rolling out a feature that will allow iOS users to filter their favorite chats and groups from the crowd. The same feature was recently made available through the Google Play Beta Program, bringing the version up to, and is now available in the WhatsApp for iOS 24.11.85 update.
While the social platform’s official changelog on the App Store does not mention the new feature, WABetaInfo, WhatsApp’s tracking site has confirmed the update in its latest online report. According to the report, this new feature will allow users to find and manage their frequently contacted chats and groups quickly.
Through a new “Favorites” section in the app settings, users can add favorites directly within this tab and manage them. The section allows users to easily add, remove, and reorder their favorite contacts and groups. Users can also add favorites directly from the chat info screen, enabling them to easily select their most important conversations without opening the contacts picker.
“With the introduction of the favorites filter at the top of the chats list and a new section to manage them within the app settings, users can efficiently organize and access their preferred contacts and groups,” the tracker reports.
To use the feature, you will have to update the WhatsApp app. However, the filter is available for some users and will be rolled out to more accounts over the coming weeks.
Source: pctech Magazine
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