Home » GOOGLE PHD Fellowship For East Asian And African Graduate Students

GOOGLE PHD Fellowship For East Asian And African Graduate Students

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News http://www.theopportunity.kesmonds-edu.ac/

Language Requirement: Not required

 Gender:  Male & Female

Level:  PH.D

Eligible Region/Countries

East Asian and African countries

Medium of Instruction: English

    Field of study: Computer Science

Opportunity ID: 30467

    Funding Type: Fully Funded

    Duration:  1 to 3 years

Opportunity Description

The Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program 2022 is now accepting applications. Google Ph.D. Fellowships provide direct support to graduate students pursuing a Ph.D. and connect them with a Google Research Mentor. At Google, cultivating and maintaining strong relationships with academics is a top priority. The Google Ph.D. Fellowship Program was established to honor outstanding graduate students conducting exceptional and innovative research in computer science and other related fields. Fellowships are available to promising Ph.D. candidates from various backgrounds who want to shape the future of technology. Google’s mission is to foster diverse research communities by encouraging people from all walks of life to apply.

Organized by: Google Research

Students who receive a Google Ph.D. According to Google researchers and their institutions, Fellowship is among the most promising young academics globally. Students who represent the future of research in the following fields are given Fellowships:

Privacy and Security

Natural Language Processing (including Information Retrieval and Extraction)

Programming Languages and Software Engineering

Quantum Computing

Recommender Systems

Structured Data and Database Management

Systems and Networking

Algorithms, Optimizations, and Markets

Computational Neural and Cognitive Sciences

Health Research

Human-Computer Interaction

Machine Learning

Machine Perception, Speech Technology and Computer Vision

Mobile Computing


East Asia: May 11, 2022

Africa: April 27, 2022

Benefits of Google Ph.D. Fellowship:


Fellowship for up to three years

$30K to cover stipend and other research-related expenses, as well as travel costs, including international travel.

Google Research Mentor

East Asia:

Fellowship for one year

US $10,000 to cover stipend and other research-related expenses, as well as travel costs, including international travel.

Google Research Mentor

Eligibility Criteria:


Graduate students enrolled in an African institution pursuing a Ph.D. full-time.

Students and professionals who are pursuing a bachelor’s or master’s degree are encouraged to apply.

Applicants for undergraduate and master’s degrees must be full-time students at an African university at the time of application.

Professionals must work for or be affiliated with an African organization. The Fellowship award for these applicants is conditional on the awardee enrolling in a full-time Ph.D. program in computer science (or an other related field) at an African university within the calendar year following the award, or the award will be forfeited.

Admission to a university’s Ph.D. program does not imply that the Fellowship will be granted.

The awardee must also finish the Ph.D. admissions process at the institute/university to enroll in a Ph.D. program. The Fellowship will be subject to the rules and regulations in effect at the institute/university where the awardee enrolls in a Ph.D. program.

If students do not enroll full-time in a Ph.D. program for the duration of the Fellowship, they will forfeit the Fellowship.

Google employees, and their spouses, children, and household members are ineligible.

Students who are already supported by a comparable industry award are ineligible.

Funding from the government or an NGO is exempt.

East Asia:

Universities should only nominate students who meet the following criteria:

Full-time Ph.D. students enrolled in an East Asian institution.

Graduate coursework is completed by the academic award year when the Fellowship begins.

To keep the Fellowship, students must enroll full-time in a Ph.D. program for the award duration.

Employees of Google and their spouses, children, and household members are not eligible.

Students who have already received a similar industry award are ineligible.

Funding from the government or an NGO is exempt.

Application Requirements:

East Asia:

The Department Chair signs a cover sheet confirming that the student meets the eligibility requirements.

CV of a student with links to their website and publications (if available)

CV of the student’s primary advisor (one page)

2-3 letters of support from people who are familiar with the nominee’s work (at least one from the thesis advisor)

Proposal for a dissertation or research project with references (max. 8 pages)

Student essay response (maximum 350 words) to Describe the desired impact of your research on the field and society and why you think this is important. Also, include any personal, educational, and/or professional experiences sparked your research interest.

Describe a sample of your leadership experience in which you have influenced others positively, helped resolve disputes, or contributed to group efforts over time in a 350-word essay. (A leadership position can imply more than a title.) Being a mentor to others, acting as the person in charge of a specific activity, or taking the lead in organizing an event or project are all examples of what it means to be a leader. Consider what you’ve accomplished and what you’ve learned due to the experience. What exactly did you have to do? Have you ever been in charge of a group? How has your perspective on leading others changed due to your experience? Have you ever aided in resolving a significant conflict at your school, church, community, or organization? And your role as a leader doesn’t have to be limited to school activities. Do you, for example, assist others or look after your family?)

Academic transcripts, both current and previous


CV of a student applicant with links to his or her website and publications (if available)

Transcripts (mark sheets) from the first year/semester of a Bachelor’s degree to the present

Proposal for research (max. 3 pages, excluding references)

2-3 letters of recommendation from people who are knowledgeable about the applicant’s work (at least 1 from the thesis advisor for the current Ph.D. student)

The student’s Ph.D. program advisor’s brief (one-page) resume

Applicant’s essay response (max. 350 words) to: What impact would a fellowship like this have on your education? Describe any circumstances that have influenced your need for a scholarship, as well as the educational aims that this Fellowship will help you achieve.

How to apply for Google Ph.D. Fellowship for East Asian and African Graduate Students?

Submit your applications through the link below. The results will be announced in June 2022.

Apply as African Graduate Student

East Asia Students can apply through the online application portal linked below. Results will be announced in July 2022.

Apply as East Asian Graduate Student

For more information about Google Ph.D. Fellowship, visit Google Research’s website.

Website: https://research.google/outreach/phd-fellowship/