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Century of Türkiye biggest heritage to future generations: Erdoğan

Reiterating that the Turkish nation will mark the beginning of the Century of Türkiye in 2023, the centennial of the republic, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has called on all the citizens to altogether build a new vision in the second century of the state.

“To us, this anniversary has meanings far more than a calendar change, which is the beginning of the second century of our new state. That is why we have named it as the Century of Türkiye, which will elevate our third state we have founded in the past one thousand years on Anatolian lands to a level that we as the nation dream of in political, economic, social and diplomatic areas,” Erdoğan said in his address after the cabinet meeting late Oct. 24.

“This vision, which we will raise on all the achievements of our country and civilization, will be the greatest legacy we will leave to future generations.”

The country is preparing for the republic’s centenary with great excitement and enthusiasm, the president said, underlining that the Century of Türkiye will be based on the visions set for 2053 and 2071, the 600th anniversary of the conquer of Istanbul and 1,000th anniversary of the Malazgirt Battle that allowed the Turks to enter in Anatolia respectively.

“Moreover, we are realizing this breakthrough at a time when the world is undergoing a historical transformation. The process Türkiye is in is not independent of what is happening in the world with its politics, economy, social and cultural developments,” Erdoğan stated.

The president recalled that the government is working to make a Türkiye that expands rights and freedoms, strengthens and grows in every field, the president emphasized, noting “Our objective of Century of Türkiye is not only aiming at augmenting our people’s welfare or turning our country into a regional and global power. This also refers to our initiative to revive our roots of belief, culture and civilization.”

In this sense, Erdoğan called on the entire people “to altogether build the Century of Türkiye on the economic and democratic infrastructure we have realized over the past 20 years.”

President slams head of medical association

President Erdoğan slammed a controversial statement by Şebnem Korur Fincancı, the head of the Turkish Medical Association who claimed that the Turkish military used chemical weapons in the fight against the terror.

“As known, the justice has already started a legal case against the head of the Medical Association. We will also work on this issue and will try to unseat this person through a legal change,” he said, informing that he instructed relevant ministries to launch a work on the law about the professional associations. Erdoğan said he believes that all the country is disturbed by the statements of this person who is chairing an association whose name includes the word Türkiye.

“Necessary actions will be taken against this person and this association in line with the court case and the results of the probe launched by the Ankara Republican Prosecutor,” he said.
