Home » Commonwealth Professional Fellowships For Developing Countries 2022

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships For Developing Countries 2022

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News Tv

In 2022/23, the CSC will be running a special Professional Fellowship programme promoting Clean Energy, Air and Oceans as part of the UK government’s ambitious initiatives to get 40 million more girls in primary and secondary school in developing countries by 2025 and improve learning levels, so girls can achieve their full potential.

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships are for mid-career professionals from low- and middle-income countries to spend a period of time at a UK Host organisation working in their sector for a programme of professional development.

About Commonwealth Scholarships

The Commonwealth Scholarship Commission in the UK (CSC) provides the main UK government scholarship scheme led by international development objectives. The CSC is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for International Development (DFID). The CSC operates within the framework of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) and is a vivid demonstration of the UK’s enduring commitment to the Commonwealth. By supporting innovators and leaders of the future from across the Commonwealth, and by attracting outstanding talent to Britain’s univer… read more

Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

Category: Postgraduate

Organisation: Commonwealth Scholarships

Country to study: United Kingdom

School to study-Course to study: Not specified

Application Deadline: September 30, 2022

Aim and Benefits of Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

Each Fellowship provides:

Approved return airfare from the fellow’s home country to the UK

Reimbursement of the standard visa application fee

Stipend (living allowance) payable monthly (or pro rata) for the duration of the award at the rate of £1,782 per month, or £2,197 per month for those at organisations in the London metropolitan area (rates quoted at 2021/22 levels)

If a fellow declares a disability, a full assessment of needs and eligibility for additional financial support will be offered by the CSC. See the CSC disability support statement for more information

Arrival allowance of up to £972.59 (rates quoted at 2021/22 levels), including an element for warm clothing

For the Clean Energy, Air and Oceans programme a £1,000 travel allowance per fellow to facilitate attendance at events (administered by host organisations)

A maximum of £3,000 per fellow can be agreed by host organisations for short courses/conferences as well as travel to visit other UK organisations where this forms an integral part of the programme. Host organisations should bear in mind the restrictions set out in our guidance on claimable costs.

Requirements for Commonwealth Professional Fellowships Qualification

To be eligible for these Fellowships, prospective fellows must:

Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an eligible Commonwealth country, or be a British Protected Person

Be permanently resident in an eligible Commonwealth country

Have at least five years’ full-time, or equivalent part-time, relevant work experience, in a profession related to the subject of the Fellowship programme, by the proposed start of the fellowship – voluntary work experience will not be counted towards this minimum

Be in employment at the time of application at an organisation that they will return to upon completion of the Fellowship

If nominated for a Professional Fellowship, prospective Fellows will be required to provide at least two references, (one of which must be from their current employer). Prospective Fellows will be contacted directly by the CSC if required to submit references. The Host organisation Fellows are applying to might also contact them to request a reference when considering their application

Not have undertaken a Commonwealth Professional Fellowship within the last five years (at the time of taking up the award)

Not be seeking to undertake an academic programme of research or study. Academics are eligible to apply for the scheme, but only to undertake programmes of academic management, not research or courses relevant to their research subject

Be available to start and complete their fellowship within prescribed dates

In addition to the above, prospective fellows must ensure they meet any eligibility criteria set out by each individual host organisation.

Interview date, Process and Venue for Commonwealth Professional Fellowships

All fellowships in this round will be tenable for three months from 22nd February 2023

Application Deadline

September 30, 2022

How to Apply

Applications for prospective Fellows are now open. Please click here to visit our online application system and submit your application.

In the application form, prospective fellows will be asked to:

List all undergraduate and postgraduate university qualifications obtained (where applicable)

List up to 10 publications and prizes (if applicable)

Provide details of your employment history and explain how each job is relevant to the programme you wish to undertake in the UK (up to 100 words per employment)

Provide a statement on the relevance of your previous work experience to the proposed fellowship (up to 300 words)

Provide a Development Impact statement in 4 parts.

For more details,visit Commonwealth website

website: https://www.scholarshipset.com/scholarships/commonwealth-professional-fellowships-for-developing-countries-2022

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the Opportunity News Tv

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