Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
Organization: UNV – United Nations Volunteers
Location: Cameroon (Cameroon)
Grade: Level not specified
Occupational Groups:
Communication and Public Information
Development Cooperation and Sustainable Development Goals
Closing Date: 2022-02-09
Under the general supervision of the UNFPA Deputy Representative, the direct supervision of the Program Specialist in charge of Reproductive Health at UNFPA, the overall coordination of the Head of Sub Office of Bertoua in collaboration with CO team, the National UN Volunteer in Communication/C4D in Bertoua will support the management of the Project and also provide support to the Project team in the conduct of interventions related to the project « Promotion de l’utilisation accrue des services de santé de la reproduction par les femmes en âge de procréer et les jeunes dans les réseaux SONU en contexte de pandémie COVID-19 dans les régions vulnérables de l’Adamaoua et de l’Est du Cameroun ».
Task description
Description of tasks: Provide a communication strategy for the project • Contribute to the evaluation of the project. • Collect and provide information relating to the implementation of the project to ensure effective sharing and dissemination of results. • Work to effectively use social media; organize and manage the media archive linked to the results of the project • Work with local organizations and other partners (UN, Government, traditional leaders, Midwifery schools) to facilitate their participation in community mobilization • Organize data and information, write and compile documents, keep records and manage communication and community mobilization plans for the implementation of the project • Prepare basic communication and promotional material for advocacy, visibility and information to media including community radios and for high level visits by UNFPA staff, donors and others • Perform all other relevant duties and assist with other communications tasks as required from the country office. Expected results : • Increased and maintained demand by women of childbearing age and young people to integrated SMRNA services including antenatal consultations (ANC) and family planning in the EmONC networks of the project intervention areas in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. • The project is implemented in strict respect of norms guiding project management while upholding donor confidence and UNFPA visibility; • Project expected results are met through increased mobilization of project target groups delivering on the basis of harnessing resources and animating a team of motivated community actors; • Submission of quality periodic activity and reports, documenting lessons and disseminating results; • Prepare the end of mission report reflecting results and strategic recommendations. • Basic communication and promotional material for advocacy, visibility and information to media including community radios and for high level visits by UNFPA staff, goodwill ambassadors, donors are availed in a timely manner • Increased availability of data and information, write ups and compiled documents, records and management of communication and community mobilization plans for the implementation of the project • Increased community mobilization to improve demand generation in line with the project results
We do our best to provide you the most accurate info, but closing dates may be wrong on our site. Please check on the recruiting organization’s page for the exact info. Candidates are responsible for complying with deadlines and are encouraged to submit applications well ahead.
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