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Consultancy-Health Assessment (Cameroon), Yaounde, Cameroon

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Organization: International Rescue Committee (IRC)

Country: Cameroon

City: Yaoundé

Office: IRC Yaoundé, Cameroon

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Consultancy-Health assessment (CAMEROON)

Yaounde, Cameroon

Job Title: Consultancy-Health assessment (CAMEROON)

Sector: Health

Employment Category: Consultant

Employment Type: Full-Time

Rental: Yaounde, Cameroon

Job Description

IRC began operations in Cameroon in 2016 to address the growing concerns of people affected by Boko Haram-related violence in the country’s Far North. Assistance to displaced populations extends across the Far North, including Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga and Logone & Chari, providing assistance programmes to improve access to water and improve hygiene practices in displaced communities and vulnerable hosts, cash transfer programmes to enable vulnerable families to meet basic needs and improve food security, and protection programmes, including addressing the specific needs of women and girls. The field offices are located in Maroua and Kousseri with a representative office in Yaoundé. Following the growing crisis in the North-West and South-West regions of Cameroon, IRC expanded its operations in the South-West region in August 2018 and to the North-West in December 2019.’ IRC is providing life-saving humanitarian assistance to internally displaced populations, with a field base in Buea and Bamenda.

IRC Cameroon commits in its Strategic Action Plan 2021-2025, to continue to provide essential humanitarian services, with a focus on community security and ensuring that affected populations can meet their basic needs, while building the resilience of beneficiaries, especially women and girls. In terms of sexual and reproductive health, IRC will use its expertise in preventing and responding to gender-based violence, and its experience in protecting and empowering women, to build the capacity of communities and health facilities to respond to existing needs (and their worsening).

Sexual and reproductive health is an essential component of IRC’s work in other countries, with a comprehensive set of measures to ensure care before, during and after pregnancy – including safe and respectful maternity and childbirth services for women and newborns; access to contraceptives chosen by clients; treatment of sexually transmitted infections and clinical care for survivors of sexual assault. IRC understands sexual and reproductive health and rights as a whole to ensure healthy and violence-free lives for women and girls, but above all to ensure transformative gender initiatives aimed at promoting gender equality, including through the networks of local women’s rights organizations and their role and activism within communities.

It is from this conception of SRHR that the IRC Cameroon program has committed in its 2021 – 2025 strategic plan to study the entry points of the health sector through its protection, education and environmental health and sanitation programs.


  1. General objective

The general objective of the exploratory health mission is to update the health situation, specifically sexual and reproductive health, of the NOSO regions and the Far North of Cameroon in order to assess the feasibility of developing IRC Cameroon’s programming in this area, particularly through its protection programs.

  1. Specific objectives

IRC aims, through this mission, to: 1- Obtain a general reading of the functioning of the health system at the national level as well as in these two areas of intervention, through:

An analysis of the health situation (maternal and child health, sexual and reproductive health, nutrition, epidemiological profile). This diagnosis must be based on a clear identification of needs;

An analysis of public policies in sexual and reproductive health and community health (including standards and procedures, health financing, mapping of state structures and actors);

A description of the political/strategic barriers to the provision of comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services. (With regard to the 6 pillars of the health system: human resources, health information system, purchase of medicines, medical consumables and equipment, governance and financing)

2- Obtain an inventory of current interventions in the field of SRH, through the development of:

A mapping of community, national and international actors involved in the field of SRH, with an analysis of any gaps to be covered;

An analysis of the practices of national and international partners (specifically United Nations agencies and international NGOs) regarding the process of purchasing medicines, consumables and equipment. To this analysis should be annexed the lists of national and international suppliers, central purchasing bodies as well as the stages of the different purchasing processes with the identification of the challenges concerning them;

A mapping of existing networks and forums that engage in sexual and reproductive health policy and practice – may include working groups, coalitions, government platforms, etc. The mapping should indicate the function of each group, the type of member and mandate, and the level of power and influence;

An analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of each actor and the identification of gaps.

An analysis of the strategies of technical and financial partners, including embassies, present in Cameroon working in the field of sexual reproductive health for the identification of funding opportunities;

An analysis of humanitarian coordination in health (cluster) at national, regional and departmental levels.

3- Obtain an analysis of the capacities of the IRC program in Cameroon to intervene in the health sector in particular by:

Structural and capacity analysis of the Cameroon program;

The crossing with the West and Central Africa health programs and analysis of the available capacities;

Identification of the added value of IRC Cameroon in terms of sexual and reproductive health

The state of play and capacity analysis should lead to a conclusive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an IRC intervention in the field of health.

4- Develop a programmatic proposal integrating the needs, gaps and potentialities identified, in particular by:

The design of a health program integrated with protection;

The proposal to adapt the programmatic structure of IRC Cameroon to integrate the health sector into its programming.


The methodology is initiated by the consultant and is an integral part of the technical proposal to be submitted. Nevertheless, it is recommended to promote the implementation of a mixed method of collecting both quantitative and qualitative data: checklist, surveys, observations, semi-directive interviews, focus groups.

The methodology will be discussed and validated before the start of the consultancy.

The consultant will have to propose an approach and techniques adapted to the targeted objectives, in order to collect the information and data necessary for the various expected analyses. He/she will, through interviews with key people, obtain the policy and strategy documents of all key actors.

The consultancy will be able to rely in particular on:

Briefings with IRC teams: health and protection technical advisors, coordination staff based in Yaoundé, field staff at each base (Kousseri, Maroua, Buea, Bamenda);

Access to available documentation. It should be noted that one of the specific objectives of the mission is in particular the collection of documentation in key areas.

Interviews with partners to facilitate access to relevant documentation, target the expertise, complementarities, and roles and responsibilities of each;

Collection of information from target populations and resource persons facilitated by partners and IRC.

Thus, the consultancy will have to be organized in different key stages: Step 1: Literature review

Substantive reading to gain an understanding of the context of the Cameroon program, the humanitarian situations in which IRC intervenes, as well as the health context of Cameroon;

Review of existing data

Examination of existing research and information in the field of health (socio-anthropological studies, surveys, exploratory missions).

Step 2: Data collection

Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) including:

Partners: INGOs health programme coordinators and international partners, donors,

Clients and responsibility holders: interviews with IRC client.es, community members, and local decision-makers including responsibilities such as health workers or protection staff, and local authorities in the field, local CBOs/CSOs;

IRC staff in all program areas and at all levels (officers, managers, coordinators, sector technical groups).

Steps 1 and 2 may be used concurrently to allow for better collection of relevant documentation.

Step 3: Data collection (in the field, taking into account COVID-19 barrier measures to avoid or minimize infection)

FGDs and KIIs with IRC clients and/or community members and local decision-makers and local authorities in locations identified by the IRC team in the Far North (Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga, Diamaré, Logone-et-Chari) and in the North-West (Mezam, Momo) and South-West (Ndian, Fako, Meme, Manyu).

The distribution of group discussions will be as follows for each base: Target groups

Data collection


Members of host communities

2 FGDs with each group highlighted below (10 to 14 people per group, hand washing, face mask and social distancing measures to be respected):

Boys 13-17 years; Girls 13-17 years

Men 18-34 years; Women aged 18 to 34

Men 34 years of age and older; Women aged 34 and over

Women and girls with disabilities

Men and boys with disabilities

Pregnant/lactating women

Parent groups

  • In each cluster of geographical locations, there must be a team of enumerators.
  • These will be people in the language in which the focus groups will be facilitated.
  • There will be two women and two men for each team (4 people in total).

Internally displaced persons

2 FGDs with each group highlighted below (10 to 14 people per group, hand washing, face mask and social distancing measures to be respected):

Boys 13-17 years; Girls 13-17 years

Men 18-34 years; Women aged 18 to 34

Men 34 years of age and older; Women aged 34 and over

Women and girls with disabilities

Men and boys with disabilities

Pregnant/lactating women

Parent groups

Step 5: Workshop to present the main conclusions of the mission to Yaoundé

This workshop should be facilitated by the consultant. It should be participatory and comparative in order to initiate the debate with IRC’s strategic staff and make substantive decisions regarding the recommendations and priorities identified. This step will be preceded by editorial work to meet all the specific objectives of the mission.


The consultancy would last approximately 10 weeks from 16 May 2022. A detailed timetable of the stages must be proposed in the technical offer.


The expected deliverables may be written in French or English according to the consultant’s preference. This point will be validated with IRC before the start of the consultancy.

The consultant will be responsible for the following deliverables: 1. A start-up report

This report should include the conclusions of the kick-off meeting, the understanding of the mission, a detailed work plan and timetable, the list of key persons to be interviewed and the estimated documents constituting the literature review.

  1. An exploratory mission report

This report should include all the elements described above in the specific objectives.

The annexes must consist of: all the documents of the literature review accompanied by a classified bibliographic list, the database of people met KII (titles, telephone, email, post), the reports of the focus groups, a mapping of the actions of all the partners (the use of map is requested), the proposed organizational chart, a program proposal (integrating a theory of change and / or a logical framework of the intervention), the report of the strategic restitution workshop, all the information useful to the overview. The report plan must be proposed by the consultant and validated at the time of the mid-term meeting.

The final report should include an executive summary in English.

  1. A synthesis presentation and the animation of a strategic workshop

A presentation in the form of a powerpoint should be sent to the study coordinator prior to the presentation meeting. The workshop will be led by the main consultant with his/her potential collaborators.


The consultant will propose in his offer a detailed budget including all the usual chapters to consider (transport, HR, logistics, etc.) and will not exceed 20,000 USD ($).


The IRC will be responsible for:

Provide detailed guidance at a kick-off meeting in dialogue with the consultant

Please provide an overview of the programmes and activities implemented by IRC in Cameroon in general.

Organize and attend the analysis and design workshop

Identification of IRC and investigators who will be involved in this analysis

Provide a timely document review of interim and final reports.


All data and information received during this mission will be treated confidentially and will only be used for mission activities. All intellectual property rights arising from the performance of this assignment are assigned to IRC. The content of the written materials obtained and used herein may not be disclosed to third parties without the express prior written permission of IRC.


At IRC level, the focal point of the consultancy will be Laura Tuery, Program Coordinator for The Protection and Empowerment of Women at IRC Cameroon; Mouna Mayoufi, Senior Health Technical Advisor at IRC headquarters and Augustin Paluku, Technical Advisor for Primary Health in West Africa.


Participation in this tender procedure is open to independent consultants and design offices. A mixed team of international and national consultants is strongly encouraged.

Minimum Qualifications

Master level or relevant qualification in project development, public health, political science with a global health profile and background protection / GBV would be a plus;

Experience in managing primary/hospital health projects and sexual and reproductive health;

Solid knowledge of issues related to the context of sexual and reproductive health in Cameroon or in the sub-region;

Good knowledge of database management system (Access, Excel) and cartography (QGIS);

Excellent knowledge and experience of humanitarian coordination (clusters, sectors) and development assistance (donor strategy, institutional dialogue);

Fluency in French and English (excellent writing and communication skills, presentation).

Significant experience in conducting focus groups and key informant interviews on sensitive topics specifically related to gender roles, norms, relationships and stereotypes among diverse populations.

Experience in analyzing and coding qualitative data (using Dedoose, ATLAS.ti or other software)

Excellent writing skills and ability to articulate the link between program results, analysis and recommendations.

Strong communication and presentation skills.

Flexible attitude towards receiving feedback.

Interpersonal qualities:


Ability to listen, understand and contextualize the needs of others.

Ability to immerse yourself in details without getting lost.

Proactive and motivated approach to work.

Ability to identify priorities, draw conclusions and propose concrete, operational and realistic recommendations

Good adaptability and culturally sensitive attitude

A high level of organization and time management, as well as an ability to learn quickly and produce high-quality work within tight deadlines.

Can discern the difference between confidential and public information, and can anonymize sensitive information.

Note: The list of professional and personal responsibilities and competencies is considered indicative and not exhaustive; actual tasks may differ or change depending on the priorities of the office and the period of the mission.

Presentation of offers

For more information, please contact: Laura Tuery, Women’s Protection and Empowerment Program Coordinator, Mobile: +237 668 88 80 83; laura.tuery@Rescue.org

Edwige Flore Leba-Tchuenkam, Human Resources Coordinator, Edwige.Leba@rescue.org

The bidder will prepare a file including the following elements:

A technical offer presenting with the methodology and tools proposed for the diagnostic mission;

A detailed timetable and work plan;

A detailed financial offer denominated in DOLLARS. The financial proposal must take into account all the costs of the consultancy / service, the number of days of consultant and the daily fees.

A presentation of the consultant and team members if there is, with: updated CV and references.

The deadline for submission of applications is Friday 06 May 2022 (Midnight – Cameroon Time). Applications should be sent to the following addresses

Laura Tuery, Women’s Protection and Empowerment Program Coordinator; laura.tuery@rescue.org


Edwige Flore Leba-Tchuenkam, Human Resources Coordinator, Edwige.Leba@rescue.org. Any incomplete file will not be considered.

IRC is an equal opportunity employer. The IRC considers all applicants on the basis of merit, regardless of race, gender, colour, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status or disability.

IRC employees and their partners, including consulting teams, must adhere to the values and principles contained in the IRC PATHWAY (Standards of Professional Conduct). It is about integrity, service, accountability and equality. In keeping with these values, IRC operates and enforces policies on protecting beneficiaries from exploitation and abuse, child protection, workplace harassment, financial integrity and reprisal.

website: https://rescue.csod.com/ux/ats/careersite/1/home/requisition/26919?c=rescue&source=unjobs

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IQ Research Journal Volume 2, Issue 3, March 2023

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