Home » Ecowas Bank For Investment And Development (Ebid) Internship 2024
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Ecowas Bank For Investment And Development (Ebid) Internship 2024

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News https://opportunitynews.tv/

The ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (EBID), the financial arm of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), is an international financial institution belonging to the 15 ECOWAS Member States which are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone and Togo. Its headquarters is in Lomé in the Togolese Republic.

The EBID’s mission is to contribute to the creation of conditions enabling the emergence of an economically strong, industrialized, prosperous and perfectly integrated West Africa both internally and in relation to the global economic system, in order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by globalization.

As part of the implementation of its young graduates program, the EBID wishes to recruit young graduates from universities and major schools in the West African sub-region and the diaspora.

Program presentation

The young graduate recruitment program targets young high-level graduates aged under thirty (30) at the time of recruitment. The selected candidates will be appointed young executives in training at the Bank for a two (2) year fixed-term contract (CDD). They will have to pass a trial period of six (6) months during which the parties can terminate their commitment without notice, and if they are satisfactory during the two years of fixed-term contract (CDD), their appointments will be transformed into a contract. For an indefinite period, that is to say they become members of the permanent staff.

During the fixed-term contract period (CDD), they will be assigned on a rotating basis to the various departments so as to understand how they work and integrate a team within which they will make judicious contributions. In addition, they will report to senior managers and become familiar with the various departments, policies and development programs of the Bank.

About Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

The Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) is the state-owned oil company of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is the world’s 12th largest oil company by production. As of 2021, the company has an oil production capacity exceeding 4 million bpd with plans to increase to 5 million bpd by 2030.It is the United Arab Emirate’s largest oil company. ADNOC’s output was roughly flat at about 2.5 million barrels per day during the 1990s. It stood at 2.9 mbpd in 2008. Although its financial indicators are difficult to assess as the company has be

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

EBID Internship

Application Deadline 31 May 2024

Type    Internship

Sponsor          Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

Gender            Men and Women

Aim and Benefits of EBID Internship

In accordance with the provisions governing the program, young graduates are assigned to departments to meet specific needs and are not recruited to fill vacant positions. They are, however, considered as civil servants of the bank for the duration of their appointment and benefit from the conditions of service corresponding to grade P1-1 of the Bank’s classification and remuneration scale.

Various allowances will be added to the salary corresponding to this grade (position adjustment, housing and transport allowances, family allowances if applicable). In addition, young graduates will be affiliated to the Bank’s retirement fund and will benefit during the period of their appointment from group insurance coverage covering the following risks: death and permanent, total and definitive disability, temporary incapacity for work. , partial permanent disability, illness, individual accidents.

Requirements for EBID Internship Qualification

Can apply for this program, candidates who are nationals of ECOWAS member countries meeting the following conditions:

Be aged 30 or less at the time of recruitment;

Hold a higher education diploma such as bac +5 (MASTER, DESS) or an equivalent diploma in line with the Bank’s operations, in particular private sector operations, public sector operations, infrastructure, risk management, asset/liability management, finance, auditing, legal advice, communications And marketing, language services, or any other field of study relevant to the Bank’s operations;

Be able to work in a team and under pressure in a multicultural context;

Have a good capacity for analysis and synthesis, sense of organization, planning and setting priorities;

Have a good command of relevant information research techniques (banking analyses, statistics, monitoring of competitive trends, etc.), from external sources, mainly electronic and other professionally recognized media;

Have a good command of office tools (Excel, Word, Access and Power Point);

Have an excellent ability to communicate in French and/or English and/or Portuguese, and a good knowledge of one of the two other languages).

Interview date, Process and Venue for EBID Internship


Candidates pre-selected on file will be summoned to undergo written and oral tests at the Bank’s headquarters in Lomé. Recruitment tests and interviews must make it possible to assess, among other things:

Technical knowledge,

The potential of the candidates,

Personality and degree of motivation,

Mastery of computer tools,

Linguistic knowledge and writing skills in at least two (2) of the three (3) working languages of the Bank.

Documents Required for Application

Interested candidates who meet the above conditions are invited to send the Bank their application file including the following documents:

A detailed curriculum vitae,

Copies of diplomas,

A copy of the identity card or passport,

A copy of birth certificate.

A cover letter giving the reasons for requesting participation in the program, the technical area(s) of interest with reasons, relevant experiences and career prospects.

How to Apply

Interested candidates must submit by email, no later than May 31, 2024, their application file bearing the subject line “  Young professionals recruitment program – 2025  ” to the following address: recrutbidc@bidc-ebid.org

NB: Only pre-selected candidates will be invited for an interview. EBID reserves the right to withdraw notified vacancies or offer a position at a lower grade.

For more details visit ECOWAS Bank

Website: https://www.scholarshipset.com/scholarships/ecowas-bank-for-investment-and-development-ebid-internship-2024

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the Opportunity News Tv

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