Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
Finn Church Aid (FCA) is the largest Finnish development cooperation organization and the second largest provider of humanitarian aid. FCA operates in over 12 countries, with dire need. FCA works with the poorest people, regardless of their religious beliefs, ethnic background or political affiliations. FCA work is based on promotion of human dignity and fundamental human rights and freedom. , implying that FCA operations are guided by equality, non-discrimination and responsibility.
FCA’s work in Uganda focuses on promoting sustainable livelihoods, Education in emergency; development education and peace. The Uganda country program compliments Finland’s traditional concern for the world’s poorest and most vulnerable people and marginalized groups. FCA has a proven track record in supporting the very poor and vulnerable groups in Uganda since the 90s through our implementing partners. Reduction of poverty to decrease vulnerability and increase opportunity for the most marginalized and extremely vulnerable individuals is the overarching objective of the FCA Uganda country program.
PRIMARY PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: The Grants Manager will be responsible for ensuring timely, compliant and competitive proposal development and grants management processes, in coordination with other relevant country office staff, local partners, other stakeholders and the Head Office Grants unit.
Supervise the local Grants team/Grants Officers.
Lead proposal design processes and ensure relevant technical staff is engaged.
Develop high-quality, cost-efficient and competitive proposals, including budgets in collaboration with programme and finance colleagues, thematic advisers, and HO Grants team.
Coordinate quality checks and approvals ahead of proposal submission in collaboration with HO Grants team, and ensure timely submission of proposal packages.
Monitor and map new funding opportunities at local and international levels, jointly with the HO Grants team, based on FCA Uganda country strategy
Follow up and support key grants management processes and ensure donor compliance throughout the project cycle
Build capacity of FCA Uganda program and finance team in donor rules and regulations.
Build capacity of the FCA Uganda program team in project design and proposal development.
Support FCA Uganda program and finance teams in delivering timely, high quality donor reporting, and ensure timely submission of reports.
Build capacity of FCA Uganda team in donor compliance and quality grants management processes.
Represent FCA in donor meetings and information sessions gathering intelligence on funding opportunities for the FCA Uganda program.
Over 5 years of experience directly implementing development and humanitarian operations, preferably in education and livelihood sectors.
Demonstrated experience in development of implementable multi-donor programmes, including program design, logical frameworks/ToCs, and budget development.
Demonstrated experience in networking and partnership development, leading to growing programme portfolio.
Experience in working with key development and humanitarian donors and understanding their rules and regulations.
Experience in quality assurance and compliance.
At FCA we take a strong stand against sexual exploitation, abuse, harassment, and any form of child abuse. Our Safeguarding Policy applies to all our staff, ensuring a safe environment for everyone involved. We also have a zero-tolerance policy for fraudulent and corrupt behaviour, as well as aid diversion. To uphold our commitment to integrity, we may screen applicants against international lists to ensure compliance with Anti-money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism requirements.
FCA is certified against the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS), reflecting our dedication to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and accountability.”
Application period ends: 2024-04-19 23:59
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