Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
26th to 27th February 2022
Istanbul, Turkey
Contact person: Dr. Borak
We invite the scholars /scientists / engineers/ researchers / practitioners / students to join with us and share the innovative trends in their respective field.
Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 15th February 2022
Call for Papers
RISBM is established to discuss the issues of multidisciplinary field collaboration with business and economics emerging trends. We invite the scholars /scientists / engineers/ researchers / practitioners / students to join with us and share the innovative trends in their respective field. This common platform is expected to provide the bases for joint venture among different fields to serve the society in a better way.
- Read through the track above and select the track which is closest to the topic of your paper. If you cannot decide that which track is suitable for your research topic, you can email the corresponding person with your title and a draft of your manuscript, for advice on
- Authors must submit papers electronically through the conference system by using online submission form or you can send it via email.
- All papers must follow the paper submission guidelines.
- All submitted abstracts/ papers / posters will go through a blind peer review process and accepted manuscripts will be published in conference proceedings.
- Selected conference papers will be published in special / Scopus indexed journals associated with this conference. Associated journals will allocate a special/regular issue for papers submitted to this conference.
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