Home » International Conference On Developmental Physical Education For Children And Youth (ICDPECY-2022)

International Conference On Developmental Physical Education For Children And Youth (ICDPECY-2022)

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News http://www.theopportunity.kesmonds-edu.ac/

Ottawa, Canada

Organizer Details

Objective of the Conference

The World Researchers Forum acts as a foundry for interactive professional association for the wizard minds of science and technology to encourage sustainable developments.

Contact Person Daniel Brown

Organized By: WRF

Event Enquiries: info@wrfconference.com

Deadline: 2022-03-21

Conference Overview

Welcome to the official website of from World Academics. will be held in Ottawa, Canada during 5th April-6th April 2022. ICDPECY held in regular interval to provide an interactive forum for presentation and discussion on . welcomes participants from all over the world who are interested in developing professional ties to and/or exploring career opportunities in the region. The conference should serve as an ideal forum to establish relationships from within Ottawa, Canada and other regions of the world.

Conference Objective

The main focus of conference is to improve the , accelerate the translation of leading edge discovery at research level and promote international scientific cooperation, debate and exchange. The Conference program relies on a wide range of challenges and issues in the field of which will be weaved through the Plenary Speakers, Keynote Speakers, Distinguished Lecturers and Industrial Personnel along with the poster sessions. The highlight of the Conference will be the award ceremony respectively will be given as recognition to the salient work of the selected researchers.

About Organisation

World Research Forum being a global class academic and scientific forum organizes several desks of discussions which make our events a perfect platform for B to B and academic as well as scientific research oriented interaction. From health science and medicine to application of IOT for disaster management and its impact on social studies which may affects the world economic and business management , what ever and whom ever it may concerned related to higher education WRF stands for all. The WRF along with its team reaches all developed and developing countries , paradises and exotic island ,harbor cities and hill stations ,global Cosmo polis and remote areas of Africa to make the activities of forum provide solutions for challenges to humanity.

Website: https://www.wrfconference.com/event/index.php?id=1501812