Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
Program: Consultancy
Country: Kenya
Closing date: December 12, 2023
- 1. Background
The ILO is implementing the second phase of the “Better Regional Migration Management” project from June 2022 – March 2025. This project financed by the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office of the United Kingdom, focuses on strengthening the capacities of countries in East and Horn of Africa to govern Laboure migration by using evidence-based policies, enhancing migrant workers’ qualifications and skills, and actively engaging the social partners for improved development outcomes. The project covers three inter-related components of interventions, namely:
Laboure migration policies and programs that support fair and productive migration in East Africa and Horn of Africa are evidence-based and gender sensitive;
Lamour migration governance is fair, equitable and effective recognizing skills and facilitating social inclusion and decent work;
Lamour migration governance is strengthened through being more inclusive of social partners.
Under the second pillar, the project aims to work on improving employment services for Laboure market integration of potential and returned migrants, with a particular focus on the development of MSMEs and social finance. In this context, the ILO is collaborating with different partners to expand its Global Program on Financial Education and provide potential and returned migrants in Kenya with the relevant skills and competencies to improve their understanding and use of financial products and services and in turn, support them in making better financial choices sustainably.
The ILO Social Finance Program has been working for more than a decade in the area of financial education. The ILO Global Program on Financial Education is a holistic program addressing worldwide limited financial literacy levels, through national policy dialogue and capacity building at all levels. The Program collaborates with policymakers, financial institutions, private services providers and multipliers, as well as direct beneficiaries. The Programs ultimate target group includes low-income women and men, entrepreneurs, youth, migrants, workers, and farmers, with over 100,000+ already trained globally.
The ILO Global Program on Financial Education has a wide range of training materials for various target groups, living in various contexts, and speaking different languages. In 2021, in partnership with the phase I of BRMM, it has designed new training materials on Financial Education for Potential and Returned Migrants in Ethiopia, which represents an overall package covering a generic trainer’s manual (450+ pages) and a trainee’s booklet (200 pages). Currently, through BRMM phase II, the ILO adapted the trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Ethiopia to the Kenyan context. Further to the adaptation, it will be translated into Swahili to ensure that target groups have an understanding of the training material. Accordingly, both English and Swahili version of the report require designing based on the ILO Financial Education training materials’ template, including the branding of the ILO Global Program on Financial Education and the 2020 ILO Branding. Considering that the trainer’s manual is fully generic and applicable to different contexts, it does not need to be adapted locally. To this end, the ILO BRMM program is seeking the service of a designer (national consultant) to design the newly developed English as well as Swahili versions of the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya.
- Objective and scope of the assignment
In the context of the adaptation of the ILO Financial Education training materials, the objective of this assignment will be for a national consultant to lay out the newly developed English and Swahili versions of the ILO Financial Education trainees’ booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya.
- Key activities
Under the overall guidance of the ILO Better Regional Migration Management Chief Technical Advisor, National Project Coordinator, the technical officer of the ILO Social Finance Program and the international consultant recruited for the adaptation of the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet, the consultant will undertake the following activities:
Lay out the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya in English and Swahili (each around 200 pages).
Adapt illustrations or imagery as required to the Kenyan context by the ILO BRMM project team and the ILO Social Finance Program. This can include images of fake brochures to be adapted to the local context and target group, based on the recommendations and inputs from the ILO.
For these activities to be successfully delivered, the consultant will need to follow the recently developed ILO Financial Education training materials’ template, including the branding of the ILO Global Program on Financial Education and the 2020 ILO Branding.
Apart from the above-mentioned illustrations required to be adapted by the designer, the ILO will provide the training materials’ InDesign template, alongside all texts and illustrations to be needed in the layout.
- Required outputs and deliverables
Once the core technical content of the newly adapted ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet is completed, the national consultant will be required to work on and deliver the laid-out version of the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya in English (around 200 pages), following the template provided by the ILO, and including all the illustrations produced by the illustrator and the ones directly adapted by the designer.
Moreover, following the translation of the English manual to Swahili, the national consultant will be required to work on and deliver the laid-out version of the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya in Swahili (around 200 pages), following the template designed for the English version and also the one provided by the ILO, and including all the illustrations produced by the illustrator and the ones directly adapted by the designer.
These outputs will be required in a high-resolution PDF version and in a lower resolution web version. All the InDesign source files pertaining to the two above-mentioned outputs will be required for the validation of the assignment. All the outputs will need to respect the ILO Financial Education training materials’ template as well as the 2020 ILO Branding.
- 5. Duration and timeline of the assignment
This assignment will be carried out from May – June 2024
- Payment Schedule
50% will be disbursed upon submission of the laid-out version of the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya in English to the satisfaction of the ILO two weeks following the signature of the agreement.
50% will be disbursed upon submission of the laid-out version of the ILO Financial Education trainee’s booklet for returnees and potential migrants in Kenya in Swahili to the satisfaction of the ILO one month following the signature of the agreement.
- Supervision and coordination
The technical officer of the ILO Social Finance Program from ILO-HQ will provide guidance to the consultant throughout the duration of this assignment. The consultant will also receive inputs from the international consultant recruited for the adaptation of the trainee’s booklet. The consultant will report to the ILO Better Regional Migration Management Chief Technical Advisor, National Project Coordinator and Technical Officer of the ILO Social Finance Program.
- Evaluation Criteria
Maximum score A
Does the applicant have proven experience in producing publications with innovative graphic designs with the use of software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, Illustrator, CorelDraw, web design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash, etc. 10
Does the applicant have previous proven working experience on similar work with UN agencies? 10
Does the applicant have experience working with the newly developed 2020 ILO Brandi10?
Does the applicant have experience of graphic production from start to published/printed product with knowledge of printing processes (offset and digital) and color management? 10
Fluency in Swahili and English is a must.10
Maximum point 50
B Proposed approach to deliver the ToR’s scope of work
Applicant demonstrates (via submitted technical proposal and a folder of sampled publications professionally designed by the applicant) their expertise working as a designer. The technical proposal includes a realistic 20work plan and financial proposition. The evaluation will assess the understanding of scope, objectives and methods used. 30
Quality of the sample publications suggests that the applicant(s) possess the required level of skills and capacities to fulfill the assignment. 20
Maximum Points 50
Total for Both Section A (50 Points) and Section B (50 Points) 100
Minimum Acceptable Score for the Proposal to be considered for financial evaluation. 70
- Qualification and experience
The consultant must have the following experience and skills to be able to perform qualitatively the activities mentioned in these Terms of Reference:
Capacity to use efficiently the ILO Financial Education training materials’ template provided by the ILO.
Proven experience in producing publications with innovative graphic designs with the use of software such as Adobe Design Premium, In-Design, Illustrator, CorelDraw, web design tools such as Dreamweaver and Flash
Demonstrated experience and expertise in producing high quality laid-out training materials. The consultant will be required to provide a sample folder with publications he/she had professionally designed in past experiences.
Respect of deadlines and ability to deliver the assignment in a timely manner.
Previous experience working on similar work with sister UN agencies
Fluency in Swahili and English is a must.
Knowledge of the ILO Financial Education training materials is an asset.
All interested individual National Consultants can send questions, if any to the ILO’s Procurement Unit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia via email ( until 24 November 2023. Questions will be answered and shared with the interested national consultant by Close of Business on 30 November 2023.
Completed technical and financial proposals as well as CV and sample work are to be submitted to by Close of Business on 11 December 2023.
This is not a job post. Only on individual consultant who submits a technical and financial proposal will be considered.
Offers from a firm and a group of individual consultants will not be considered.
More Information
Job City: Kenya
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