Home » National Expert In Social And Behavior Change Communication And Community Engagement

National Expert In Social And Behavior Change Communication And Community Engagement

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Country: Cameroon

Closing date:  June 1, 2024

Call for consultancy!

Impact Santé Afrique : Non-governmental organization

Title: National expert in social and behavior change communication and community engagement

  1. Background

Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) is a Cameroon-based non-governmental organization whose main objective is to contribute to the improvement of people’s health by implementing transformative and sustainable programs (for more information, visit www.impactsante.org). As part of the “Equité Accès Palu” project, funded by the Initiative over a 3-year period, Impact Santé Afrique wishes to develop specific communication materials adapted to the needs of populations vulnerable to malaria. Indeed, social and behavioral change strategies generally aim to develop communication materials for the general public (posters, billboards, TV and radio spots). However, there is a need for materials and messages specifically targeted to the beliefs and contexts of vulnerable groups; targeted messages that can be used in interpersonal communication and that are aligned with NMCP messages, but will be more relevant to the contexts and needs of vulnerable groups.

To do this, ISA will use the human-centered approach to involve vulnerable communities themselves, including internally displaced populations, orphans, refugees, indigenous populations, and people with disabilities, pregnant women and children under 5.

With this in mind, ISA is recruiting a national expert in communication for social and behavioral change to organize community engagement workshops, for the co-design of prototype communication tools adapted to the various targets mentioned above.

General objective

To organize community engagement workshops for the co-design of communication tools and the development of social and behavioral change activities in malaria prevention among vulnerable populations in the Doumé, Mokolo, Maroua 3 and Mifi health districts.

Specific objectives

Specifically, the aim is to:

– Develop a co-design process for communication tools based on the human-centered approach, in order to develop priority prototypes (activities, communication media, advocacy actions, etc.) to address the barriers identified by the Malaria Behaviour Survey (MBS) conducted in the project’s 4 health districts;

– Co-facilitate co-design workshops in the project’s four (04) health districts;

– Provide technical support in the pre-testing and finalization of communication tools aimed at target populations;

– Write the general activity report;

  1. Responsibilities of the National Consultant

The National Consultant will have the following responsibilities:

– Take ownership of the results of the mini-MBS carried out in the 4 health districts in order to understand the barriers faced by populations vulnerable to malaria in accessing and using malaria control products and services;

– Propose a simplified presentation of the MBS results for vulnerable populations

– Draw up terms of reference for the facilitation of workshops to co-design prototype tools and activities for social and behavior change communication for vulnerable populations in the Doumé, Mokolo, Mifi and Maroua 3 districts. These terms of reference must include an implementation schedule and provisional budget;

– Prepare, with the support of the Communication and Community Involvement Project Manager, the workshops to be held;

– Co-facilitate each of these workshops in the 4 districts;

– Produce a workshop report and summary;

– Provide technical support in finalizing communication tools.

III. Qualifications of the National Consultant

– Minimum level of Master’s degree in Public Health, Communication, Social Sciences or other equivalent degree;

– At least 7 years’ experience in the field of malaria and social and behavior change communication in the field of malaria;

– Ability to work in a multicultural environment, and with public institutions;

– Proven skills in communication strategy development and community engagement;

– Excellent command of French and good written and verbal communication skills, as well as excellent command of communication and presentation techniques;

– Knowledge of the local context and regional specificities would be an asset.

– Demonstrated ability to train and build the capacity of civil society actors.

  1. Deliverables/results

– Terms of reference for the facilitation of co-design workshops

– Priority prototypes (activities, communications media, and advocacy actions) are developed;

– Workshop facilitation

– A validated global report is written and submitted to the NGO Impact Santé Afrique (ISA).

  1. Duration of the assignment

The duration of the National Consultant’s assignment will be 60 calendar days from the date of signature of the contract, covering the period from 01/06/2024 to 30/07/2024, according to the timetable.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application including:

  1. A letter of motivation
  2. A detailed CV including references of experience in facilitating co-design workshops
  3. Three professional references.
  4. A methodological proposal including a detailed schedule of activities
  5. A detailed financial proposal

N.B. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of their relevance to the required qualifications and professional references. Applications from women are strongly encouraged. Applications must be submitted by e-mail to jobsimpactsante@gmail.com Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on Friday May 31, 2024.

Subject of e-mail: National expert in communication SBC D209/EAP/2024


All information and data collected as part of this study must be treated confidentially and used only for purposes related to the study. The National Consultant will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to the commencement of the assignment.

NB: Female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Publication date: 03 May 2024

More Information

Job City Cameroon

Website: https://ngojobsinafrica.com/job/national-expert-in-social-and-behavior-change-communication-and-community-engagement/

About the author

the Opportunity News Tv

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