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Operations Director

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News https://opportunitynews.tv/

Volunteer: Kenya

July 26, 2023 – August 25, 2023 

Program/Project Management

International Transformation Foundation (ITF) is an internationally youth led non-profit organization providing youth educational and self-development programs, encompassing leadership and entrepreneurship, to harness creativity for a youth system that provides jobs, offering security, opportunities to grow, and contribute to the development of our communities.

Since its establishment ITF has been developing and operating youth development programs to lead the youth of today as leaders with a strong heart and mind as true workers of society with creative and progressive thinking. Our current projects are:

  1. Join the Pipe Project: Installing sustainable tap water stations near playgrounds, city centers, parks, schools and bus stations in Africa; for people to access clean tap water whenever possible.

The project also works to bring awareness to the environmental impact of production and waste of bottled water through two ventures:

A water kiosk at school: a school based and students managed business selling clean tap water to community residents. It involves financing a community school to set up an onsite water kiosk with specially designed and sustainable products for children to transport tap water at home straight from school. It is both an educational and profitable business – teaching students’ business and entrepreneurial skills, and generating much-needed income for schools.

Public drinking tap water station: In partnership with urban Communities/Towns/Cities we install our non-breakable drinking water station in Public places for people to access clean drinking tap water free of charge.

  1. Jijenge Kijana Fund: a youth livelihood pathway offering microcredit, micro-saving and training which enables ITF members to engage in productive and stable livelihoods
  2. Erasmus Plus Projects:

GO-PRO The main objective of the project is to create space for the development of key information and communications technology (ICT) competences in the field of programming for children and youth. The project plans on achieving this by creating GO-PRO centers where modern programming education can take place and, in the process, awaken the passion to code in the youth. This project is done in collaboration with Meritum (Poland) and International Transformation Foundation (Kenya).

4Evergreen This is a project aimed at empowering the youth which ITF will implement in collaboration with the Association for European Cooperation, Development and Communication (CODEC vzw), Belgium. 4Evergreen will bridge 2 programme objectives– to support awareness raising on the environmental and climate goals and taking up innovative practices in a digital era. The project main aim thereafter is to contribute to the just and inclusive transition to sustainable living throughout empowering youth work sector across the globe to raise awareness on environmental issues by personal example and digital tools – the language of young people.


Your three main responsibilities are Project design, human resource and ground level management as a direct assistant to the Secretary General.

Primary responsibilities:

As an assistant to the Secretary General who is responsible for the big questions facing ITF, you are also required to ensure its effective operation on a day-to-day level. Most importantly, this means you must:

Ensure ITF maintains appropriate systems to conduct its activities lawfully, ethically and efficiently

Ensure ITF is appropriately staffed so that someone is directly accountable for each of the organization’s key functions at all times.

Ensure there are clear and effective communication channels, both formal and informal, between the office of the Secretary General and each key Officer function.

Guide and evaluate the work of each Officer function.

Provide leadership in setting a positive and productive organizational culture

You are responsible for identifying and developing projects that fall within ITF’s scope. While that is your primary responsibility, you are also expected to support projects during execution, monitoring, reporting and closing.

Identify youth development problems that ITF is equipped to address and interested in solving.

Conduct feasibility and planning studies to determine how ITF could address the problem, and whether this is realistic.

Additionally, you are responsible for recruiting the best people to ITF and for the development of ITF’s people, both during their orientation and their progression at ITF. This means you will:

Advertise positions that become available through ITF’s networks; receive applications, screen them for suitability, and transfer them to the Secretary General, hence organize interview times and locations for shortlisted candidates.

Organize weekly and monthly meetings to discuss workflows and progress.

Organize quarterly training sessions on organizational culture, where all staff can discuss how ITF could build a more positive and productive working environment.

Ensure all staff members develop a personal performance plan to be discussed at performance meetings with the Secretary General every six months.

Constantly work to improve orientation and induction materials and constantly reflect on how you could perform your role better.

Person Specifications:

Applicants must be under 30 years old

Hold at least a Bachelors Degree in related fields such as Administration, Management, Human Resources, International Cooperation.

Good organizational skills, including ability to work within tight deadline

Detail-oriented with a focus on results.

Should be self-driven and pro-active.

Have excellent communication skills orally and in writing (minimally in English), excellent interpersonal and presentation skills and the ability to work with diverse individuals or group of individuals.

Ability to maintain an established work schedule, with or without flexibility.

Have basic computer skills including graphic communication publications.

Understanding of and commitment to equal opportunities.

Strong organizational and management skills, ability to multi task and prioritize.

Motivated to learn and take on new challenges.

Willingness and capacity to volunteer.

Passion and commitment towards youth development

Other requirements

The volunteer is required to work from the office; at the current time remote working is not an available option. ITFs office hours are from Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm.


Although ITF Volunteers enjoy limitless opportunities, ITF does NOT provide any kind of compensation, including stipends. ITF Staff operate on a full-time volunteer basis for a minimum of 6 months. Volunteers are responsible for all basic expenses such as home – office transportation, accommodation etc. ITF ONLY provides direct operational expenses such as staff transportation to meetings outside the office, field visit operations etc.

For any queries get in touch through volunteers.itf@gmail.com, Tel: +254 799189233, @ITFSecretariat on Twitter & Facebook.

We DO NOT consider incomplete applications as well as candidates who are not able to cover the volunteer term expenses as mentioned in the above paragraph (Compensation).


More Information

Job City: Nairobi

Website: http://www.itfsecretariat.org/volunteer.html

About the author

the Opportunity News Tv

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