Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
Organization: United Nations Environment Programme
Country: Kenya
City: Nairobi
Office: UNEP Nairobi, Kenya
Closing date: Tuesday, 22 February 2022
Posting Title: Project Development Expert
Department/Office: United Nations Environment Programme
Duty Station: NAIROBI
Posting Period: 07 February 2022 – 22 February 2022
Job Opening Number: 22-United Nations Environment Programme-173653-Consultant
United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity
Result of Service
– UNEP GEF project document and all their required annexes making full use of figures, diagrams, images, tables and boxes to illustrate key points, where applicable.
GEF approved CEO Endorsement Request document.
Work Location; Home-based
Expected duration
Scheduled for 15 months
Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment”. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action. UNEP ‘s Ecosystems Division works with international and national partners, providing technical assistance and capacity development for the implementation of environmental policy, and strengthening the environmental management capacity of developing countries and countries with economies in transition.
The Governments of Gambia, Guinea Bissau, Mauritania and Senegal, and the Sahara and Sahel Observatory, OMVS and OMVG have acquired funds from the GEF through UNEP for a project titled: ” Enhancing the sustainable management of Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer System to ensure access to water for populations facing climate change (SMAS)” This proposed project has received a Project Preparation Grant (PPG) to prepare a Full-Sized Project (FSP) document, based on the approved project proposal concept (PIF). On this basis, UNEP will contract a Consortium of technical service providers (referred to as ‘the Consortium’) engaged in the sustainable management of the Senegalo-Mauritanian Aquifer System. The Consortium will deliver specific assessments, activities, reports and other inputs required to ensure the timely formulation of quality FSP documentation for CEO endorsement.
The PPG phase is considered as a preparatory phase and will need to support a range of data collection efforts, assessments and detailed analyses and undertake validation of the key sections contained in the PIF. The final output of the PPG phase will be a UNEP GEF International Waters project document and a GEF CEO Endorsement Request submitted to and approved by UNEP and GEF, with all required supporting annexes, UNEP’s Social and Economic Review Note (ESERN) and background information. In accordance with GEF procedures, the full set of project documentation must be submitted to the GEF Secretariat no later than 08 December 2022.
This consultancy post is located in UNEP / Ecosystems Division / GEF International Water (IW) unit and reports to the respective GEF Task Manager, in consultation with the member countries, the OSS, OMVS and OMVG and close collaboration with the Regional Working Group on the Senegalo Mauritanian Aquifer System (SMAS RWG). UNEP will contract the consultant to undertake the assignment as described in this ToR.
The PPG phase will include four interrelated steps: Step 1: Technical review.
- i) Baseline studies: this will include a desktop review of all relevant documents, actual and previous studies on groundwater and surface water both in terms of technical reports and policy/legal frameworks with special emphasis on developing transboundary conjunctive ground and surface water management tools and regional governance framework. Special emphasis will be given to building on the existing and planned studies and roadmap of the Regional Working Group (RWG) for the Senegalo-Mauritanian Basin and working in close collaboration with the RWG. Some of these studies will be carried out by the Consortium in close collaboration with the consultant. The resulting reports will also include an analysis of the existing planning, policy and regulatory frameworks related to the sustainable management of the Basin;
- ii) Studies to address any opportunities/risks identified in the UNEP Environmental, Social and Economic Review Note (ESERN). The reports prepared by the Consortium based on studies and consultations with key stakeholders across the Basin, in close collaboration and with the support of the RWG, will serve as the basis for this consultant to apply the UNEP ESERN to minimize any associated risks for this project;
iii) Multi-stakeholder meetings with Government and partners (technical and financial) are planned to investigate the implementation of this project development to identify on-going projects and other initiatives (in particular taking into account the work plan of the RWG) to be incorporated in the project document. Activities of similar types could be implemented jointly and or in parallel as long as project calendars will permit it;
- iv) Stakeholder consultations during technical review: the RWG to collaborate with the Consortium to mobilize and engage stakeholders during project design. Negotiate partnerships with on-going projects to align their activities and the project to build synergies;
- v) Document these consultations in coordination with the Consortium.
Step 2: Institutional arrangements, monitoring and evaluation
The outputs of step 1 will be used as technical input to step 2 for the formulation of the UNEP GEF project document. Requirements of step 2 include: i) Finalization of project results framework: Further refine the results framework with appropriate objective-level and outcome-level quantitative and qualitative Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results- oriented and Time-bound (SMART) indicators, mid and end-of-project targets. Special attention will be made to include socio-economic and gender sensitive indicators;
- ii) Definition of monitoring and evaluation (M&E): A detailed M&E work plan will be developed, including clear identification of responsibilities and accountabilities, as well as an appropriate M&E budget. The plan will be based on the standard template provided in the UNEP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy;
iii) Definition of management arrangements: The organizational structure governing the project will be defined in close coordination with the respective River Basin Organisations (RBOs) OMVS and OMVG as well as the RWG. This will include the Terms of reference for the project steering committee, project management unit, relevant key staff and any other key governance arrangements for the project;
- iv) Stakeholder consultations: using the existing framework of the RWG and guided by OMVS and OMVG, involve key government agencies, NGOs and local communities as well as key partners (EU, UNECE, Geneva Water hub, IGRAC, among others) in the development of the project strategy and results framework to ensure ownership and agreement on the project objectives and outcomes; facilitate consultations to secure agreement(s) on project implementation arrangements; including roles, responsibilities, and accountabilities of lead and partner agencies. Document these consultations.
Step 3: Financial planning and co-financing investments: i) Prepare a detailed multi-year budget following the standard template provided in the UNEP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy;
- ii) Explore multilateral and bilateral co-financing opportunities: in collaboration with the RWG, OMVS, OMVG, undertake a series of consultations with partners to ensure a coherent and sustainable financing package for the project;
iii) Facilitate completion and acquisition of the required Co-financing letters from participating government institutions, bilateral development partners, multilateral development partners, private sector and NGOs that wish to provide grant, loan or in-kind contributions to the project;
- iv) Stakeholder consultations: facilitate consultations with key stakeholders (including civil society organizations, indigenous people, gender groups, and others as relevant) and describe how they have been engaged in project preparation. All financial and technical partners and the government will be involved at an early stage to inform the preparation of a stakeholder engagement plan.
Step 4: Validation workshop
- i) A validation workshop will gather representatives from all relevant stakeholders to present, discuss and validate the final draft CEO submission package.
Consultancy objective
To support the implementation of the PPG and write the UNEP /GEF full-sized project document, including CEO Endorsement Request and the required/relevant appendices and annexes.
Under the direction and supervision of the IW GEF Task Managers of UNEP, the consultant will be required to undertake the following specific tasks in close collaboration with OSS (and RWG, OMVS, OMVG), the member countries and the Consortium of technical service providers: 1. Act as Project Development Expert.
- Define and submit a detailed methodology and work plan in consultation with the Consortium of technical service providers, with clear delegation of responsibilities of each team member.
- Participate in the launch event for this project preparation phase to provide an overall orientation to the Consortium, government stakeholders, OSS and OMVS, OMVG and the RWGin relation to GEF requirements for project planning and monitoring.
- Coordinate with the Consortium preparations for the virtual launch of the Project Preparation phase and the validation workshop; and facilitate and support stakeholder consultation meetings/workshops as agreed.
- Guide the Consortium and respective national teams in conducting technical and scientific assessments and consultations of key stakeholders, including on regulatory frameworks, policies, enforcement, capacity assessments, knowledge management, social and gender equality, environmental safeguards, etc.
- Perform the following tasks for the GEF Project Document Formulation: a) Control quality of inputs and outputs prepared by the Consortium;
- b) Ensure understanding about the project’s problem and barrier analysis among the project planning team;
- c) Help determine the project’s system boundaries and scope;
- d) Based on the inputs from the Consortium, compile baseline/situational analysis for the full-size project (FSP). This will include a precise definition of baseline projects, activities, budgets, goals and co-financial links to GEF outcomes; definition of GEF incremental value per outcome; presentation of results of the incremental cost-analysis in matrices;
- e) Based on the inputs collected by the Consortium and the best international practice, prepare a quantified assessment of global environmental benefits for biodiversity conservation, sustainable freshwater management and sustainable land management;
- f) Reconfirm the project strategy and finalize project sections on: (a) An assessment of the social, economic and financial sustainability of proposed project activities; (b) Assessment of alternatives to the project strategy and establishing the cost effectiveness of the preferred strategy and suite of activities; (c) replication strategy for project activities; (d) assessment of the risks to the proposed project activities and identifying measures to mitigate these risks; (e) incremental cost analysis;
- g) Define and validate the project outcomes, outputs, and activities based on a logical framework analysis and project’s theory of change including through the related assessments, analyses and reporting by the Consortium and National Consultants. Develop the results framework of the project with SMART indicators, baseline and targets;
- h) Define options for the project’s institutional and implementation arrangements: work closely with the Consortium to finalize the terms of reference for the project steering committee, project management unit, relevant key staff and any other key governance arrangements for the project;
- i) Ensure action points from the UNEP Environmental, Social and Economic Review Note (ESERN) process for the PIF stage are fully implemented during the PPG. Conduct the full UNEP Environmental, Social and Economic Review Note (ESERN) and compile a summary report indicating results of the PPG investigation and future actions. Work with UNEP’s Safeguard Advisor in order to ensure the economic, social and environmental risks are fully addressed and develop a stakeholder engagement plan in collaboration with the Consortium;
- j) Develop the project’s innovativeness, sustainability and replication approach;
- k) Ensure that the project approach is the most cost-effective according to GEF guidelines;
- l) Facilitate the process of confirming co-financing as per PIF;
- m) Prepare costed M&E work plan for all activities, with defined indicators, to be funded by the GEF including clear identification of responsibilities and accountabilities, as well as an appropriate M&E budget. The plan will be based on the standard template provided in the UNEP-GEF project document template that reflects the mandatory requirements of the GEF M&E Policy;
- n) Finalize the project results framework as regards all activities (including justification for any revisions/amendments/additions). Further define the results framework with appropriate objective-level and outcome-level quantitative and qualitative SMART indicators, mid and end-of-project targets. Establish baseline and targets for indicators reporting on the UNEP Integrated Results and Resources Framework. Ensure that all related activities are in conformity with GEF-7 focal area guidelines and indicators. Special attention should be paid to include socio-economic and gender sensitive indicators;
- o) Develop an action plan for incorporation of gender equality aspects in the project, with quantifiable baseline and target indicators, as per GEF and UNEP guidance and based on the results of gender analysis and ensure integration into project design, including outputs, activities, indicators;
- p) Develop a stakeholder engagement plan based on inputs from the Consortium and the members of the SMAS RWG;
- q) Working with the government and the national consultants, ensure the quality of relevant IW GEF-7 core indicators;
- r) Compile and produce a fully-fledged UNEP / GEF project document with all the required annexes and the GEF CEO Endorsement request document with all the required annexes/attachments;
- s) Address all comments on the project documentation by the Head of IW unit;
- t) Ensure that any review points from the Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel, the GEF Council and the GEF Secretariat, including those made during the project identification stage, as well as the formal review by the UNEP Project Review Committee are met and responded to in the Project Document and CEO Endorsement Request;
Qualifications/special skills
Competency: – Demonstrates integrity by modelling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
Ability to establish and maintain good working relations with colleagues in multi-cultural environments;
Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment;
Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize relevant collected data and findings for the preparation of quality analysis for the project document.
Academic Qualifications: Minimum of Master’s degree in environmental sciences, water resource management with emphasis on groundwater and surface water conjunctive management, regional Aquifer governance, or a closely related field.
Experience: – Minimum 10 years of professional experience in the field environmental sciences, water resource management with emphasis on groundwater and surface water conjunctive management, regional Aquifer governance is required;
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Preference will be given to a consultant with experience in Africa;
Demonstrable experience in the development and design of GEF projects and/or programmes is required;
Experience with project development, implementation, management and monitoring and evaluation of sustainable development projects, in particular in the areas of biodiversity and ecosystem management;
Technical and intellectual skills in environmental sciences, water resource management with emphasis on groundwater and surface water conjunctive management and monitoring and evaluation;
Experience in integrated policy development processes associated with environment and sustainable development issues;
Demonstrable expertise in managing relationships and developing and maintaining strategic partnerships including across government and non-government actors;
Experience working with international organizations, including UNEP and the GEF, is preferred.
Language: – Excellent written and verbal skills in English required. Good working knowledge of French is preferred
No Fee
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