Home » Senior Monitoring And Evaluation (M&E) Specialist – Socha Uganda

Senior Monitoring And Evaluation (M&E) Specialist – Socha Uganda

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SoCha (a name created by combining the terms Social and Change) is an independent MEL firm that provides bespoke solutions to social challenges. Since its inception in 2010, SoCha—a small, veteran-owned business—has grown into a full-service MEL and analytical services firm that works with USAID Missions and implementing partners around the world.

SoCha LLC is recruiting for a Senior Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Specialist to guide SoCha’s efforts in the implementation of the Uganda Learning Activity (ULA), a support mechanism for USAID/Uganda. SoCha operates under subcontract to QED Group and supports the implementation of ULA. SoCha is looking for a candidate with the right mix of broad methodological expertise, international experience, and the ability to coordinate high impact studies for an international donor to help ULA to improve reporting and performance management, strengthen evaluation, assessment, and analytical capacities, and increase USAID/Uganda capacity to deliver development results.

The ULA contract is currently in its third year and is expected to continue implementation until May 2024. ULA reports to the USAID/Uganda Program Office and serves all USAID/Uganda technical and support offices with monitoring and evaluation (M&E) and collaboration, adaptation, and learning (CLA) services.

Scope of Work:

The Senior M&E Specialist will report directly to the ULA Director of Learning or the ULA Chief of Party for regular technical direction and report to the SoCha Project Manager for guidance from SoCha’s home office and contract administration and serve as SoCha’s focal point on the subcontract.

The Senior M&E Specialist will identify and scope opportunities for SoCha to provide MEL services to USAID/Uganda which improve overall performance management and development results. (S)He will lead ULA efforts to support USAID/Uganda’s strategic learning through dedicated studies and secondary data analyses.

The Senior M&E Specialist will support tasks and activities related to collaboration, learning, and adaptation (CLA) and generating evidence for decision making. This will include providing support to ULA to conduct monitoring, evaluation, and other learning activities. Activities include:

Scoping, planning, coordinating, managing, and executing

Data collection services, including desk review, in-person and online surveys, qualitative interviews, focus groups, GIS data and mobile data collection on behalf of the Mission and in support of implementing partners;

Secondary data analyses and interactive visualizations such as data dashboards;

Other analytical services that range across the full qualitative, mixed method, and quantitative spectrum;

Providing technical advice and guidance on qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods analytical studies and activities;

Facilitation of learning activities, including sensemaking, validation, and dissemination workshops to support evaluations, assessments, and analyses, and collaborating with ULA team members on the same;

Support to ULA and the mission to implement the mission Performance Management Plan;

Support the building of ULA, implementing partner, and Mission staff capacity and skills to conduct monitoring, evaluation, analysis, and learning activities, and

Other duties as appropriate related to achieving the goals and objectives of ULA.


A minimum of six years of experience in M&E, leading the development and implementation of monitoring, evaluation, and learning plans for international development activities, and designing and executing evaluations using various methods and techniques.

A Master’s degree or PhD in political science, sociology, economics, public policy, international relations, geography, or a relevant field; a bachelor’s degree and 10 years of relevant professional experience may be substituted for the education requirement.

Excellent English written and oral communication skills

Excellent communication and presentation skills and experience working with senior leadership.

USAID experience or experience working with similar international development agencies preferred.

How to Apply

Suitably qualified and experienced candidates should lodge an application and their CV via the form below:

website: https://jobs.socha.net/senior-monitoring-and-evaluation-me-specialist-uganda-25-04-2022/

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