Home » Terrorism Studies ’22 / VI. International Online Conference On Terrorism And Political Violence

Terrorism Studies ’22 / VI. International Online Conference On Terrorism And Political Violence

Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) http://www.africanuniversitydiretory.org/ in partnership with The Opportunity News http://www.theopportunity.kesmonds-edu.ac/

22nd to 22nd April 2022

Online, Other

Contact person: Ozgur Ozturk

All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed and published in the proceedings e-book (with an ISBN number). The registration fees are 30€ (regular). Participants can also apply to DAKAM’s related Journal.

Organized by: DAKAM

Deadline for abstracts/proposals: 11th February 2022


TERRORISM STUDIES ’22 / VI. International Conference on Terrorism and Political Violence will be held in the form of an online event. The conference is coordinated by DAKAM (Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center) and will be organized by BILSAS (Science, Art, Sport Productions).

All abstracts are going to be selected according to double-blind reviews and accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings E-Book with an ISBN number that will be given to you in a DVD box during conference registration.

Selected papers will be published in DAKAM’s International Journal of Social Sciences and Interdisciplinary Studies. (http://www.dakam.org/ijssis)

We invite you to join us at the event and would like to emphasize that proposals from different parts of the world are welcomed.

For the publication opportunities, registration conditions, and presentation instructions, please visit the REGISTRATION INFO page. For accommodation opportunities and city tours, please read the ACCOMMODATION & TOURS page.

Democratic global governance and safety of our societies understood as a combination of security providers, policies and underlying norms is directly affected by the simultaneous evolution of threats and shifting centers of power. Today, the world remains characterized by instability, conflict, and human suffering, as well as by high levels of strategic uncertainty. On the other, institutions like the United Nations, the African Union, or the European Union itself – as well as non-governmental organizations – have developed a wide range of tools to tackle evolving dangers. In this context, Critical Terrorism Studies emerged in the context of the rapidly intensifying war on terror and political violence. DAKAM’s Terrorism Studies aims at a critical perspective at the measures against terrorism while studying the threats to minimize them on an international ground.

