Home » When is it time to retire your computer? Possibly sooner than you think. | It’s Geek to Me
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When is it time to retire your computer? Possibly sooner than you think. | It’s Geek to Me

Q: First, many thanks for all of your great support to us over the many years. I have a relatively new computer (Dell Optiplex 3050 bought in 2018) that is not compatible with the new Windows 11. It seems that Microsoft is getting very particular with what can run Windows 11.

I am not interested in purchasing a new computer so soon after the last one to just keep up with software. (I guess from what I read that patches will keep this software safe through 2025.)

Can an older machine be made compatible? If so how do I go about learning what is required? My favorite local repair shop has gone out of business or I would be asking them this question.

I very much appreciate your assistance over the years.

– George C., Shalimar, Florida

A: Well, let me respond in-kind, by first saying many you’re welcomes for being such a loyal reader, and for writing-in so often to provide the fuel that powers the column: reader questions. You’re certainly in the top-10, all-time contributors to the question queue, George. Hmmm … I’m not sure if I’m giving you kudos for all the content or inadvertently insulting your lack of tech knowledge. I’m sure I meant the one that doesn’t involve insulting you! So, thanks again!

A computer purchased today will almost certainly have much faster hardware across the board: CPU, memory, hard drive, etc., said Daily News technology columnist Jeff Werner.

A computer’s age is one of those nebulous concepts that is truly hard to gauge. In practice, a computer becomes “too old” when it is no longer able to perform the functions for which it was purchased without being irritatingly slow to its user. For most home users that includes running software to track personal finances, read and write documents, surf the Internet and often play games, which have a tremendous variety of speed needs, depending on the game. Up until now, it has always been the decision of the computer’s owner whether the computer needs to be treated like an old horse, and put out to pasture, or if it has enough pep left to keep up to the daily grind.Then, along came Microsoft, and for the first time in all of the releases of Windows to-date, they imposed a restrictive list of capabilities that computers must meet in order to run the upcoming new release — Windows 11. There was an immediate outcry from the rather large base of computer users who, like you, were being told their computer was just not good enough to run Windows 11. Microsoft acquiesced on some of the requirements, but many remain. However, there are ways for smart, geeky people to get around them, as I’ll discuss below.


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