Shared by the African University Directory Accreditation Board (AUDAB) in partnership with The Opportunity News
Reports to: Permanent Secretary, MAAIF
Duty Station: Kampala/ Entebbe
Contract Duration: Two-year contract, with six months’ probation period, renewable based on satisfactory performance and with IFAD “No objection”.
Main Functions:
The Project Manager will,
- a) Have the overall responsibility of ensuring that the Project achieves its expected outcomes and development objective, with focus on Component 1
- b) Lead the management team and staff of the PCU
- c) Be responsible for the effective planning, management, reporting and communication of all Project activities.
- d) Ensure compliance with all fiduciary requirements of the Project including development of work Plans and Budgets, Disbursement of Funds, Progress Reports, Project Audit Reports, and Withdrawal Applications.
Specific responsibilities will include the following:
- a) Lead all key processes of (i) project planning, both through the Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWPB) process and on a day-to-do basis; (ii) the management of Project implementation; and (iii) monitoring and reporting on physical and financial progress.
- b) Directly supervise and support the work of section managers/specialists, ensure that they are effectively leading their respective teams, and carry out their annual performance evaluations.
- c) Ensure that (i) the Project is implemented in accordance with the AWPBs and the Project Implementation and Financial Management Manuals; (ii) Project funds flow efficiently and are properly utilized; (iii) goods and services are procured quickly and in conformity with all GoU/IFAD requirements; and (iv) progress reports and audit reports are prepared and submitted to GoU/IFAD in accordance with the prescribed timeliness.
- d) Identify and guide implementation of training programmes for PCU staff, including technical and management aspects and equipment/technology packages;
- e) Liaise with the Human Resource Department of MAAIF to coordinate the recruitment of Project administrative and support staff in accordance with procedures detailed in the Project guidelines.
- f) Facilitate Project evaluations, supervision and reviews in accordance with the Loan Agreement, and ensure that all recommendations from supervision and implementation support missions are effected and adhered to as agreed.
- g) Act as the principal spokesperson for the Project and disseminate its objectives, activities and achievements, as authorized by MAAIF.
- h) Collaborate and network with relevant organizations for effective Project implementation.
- i) Coordinate and facilitate networking and liaison with other stakeholders that provide complementarity and synergy to the Project activities, aims and objectives.
- j) Act as the link between the private sector partners and Government/MAAIF.
- k) Act as the Secretary to the Project Steering Committee and ensure implementation of the recommendations of the committees.
Specific Qualifications and Experience:
The candidate should have a solid understanding and experience of the oilseed subsector and be able to provide visionary leadership to stakeholders and PCU staff. In addition to these general qualifications, the following specific qualifications are required:
- a) A Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Rural Development, or related field,
- b) A Master’s degree in Business Administration, Agribusiness, Agricultural Economics, or related field from a recognized University.
- c) A minimum of 15 years’ experience, five of which should have been in the management, administration, and implementation of public-donor financed agricultural and rural development projects.
- d) A minimum of 5 years of experience working with the private sector.
Required Skills:
- a) Knowledge and experience of Government planning and reporting procedure
- b) Ability to communicate efficiently and effectively
- c) Demonstrated experience in leading teams and working with persons of varying professions and backgrounds
- d) Computer literate with very good reporting and presentation skill
- e) Excellent spoken and written English skills
Application Process:
All candidates should send their written applications with copies of academic credentials, testimonials and detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) indicating contact details of (03) referees addressed to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries, and hand delivered to the Ministry Registry located at Plot No.14 Lugard Road Entebbe,
- 0. Box 102, Entebbe – Uganda
NB: Only shordisted candidates will be contacted.
Deadline: Monday 3rd January, 2022 by 4.00pm
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